Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Eyelid Rejuvenation Surgery

Dr Bloch is the leading blepharoplasty surgeon. Call Body by Bloch to book a consultation


Eye lid surgery also known as blepharoplasty is surgery done to enhance the look of your lower or upper eyelids. The surgery does not actually involve lifting of the eyelids as the name implies, instead excess skin may be reduced and excess fat removed. This surgery can also correct droopy eyes that obstruct good vision. If you have puffy or droopy eyes and live in Chicago, you can visit www.bodybybloch.com for an eyelid lift. Your eyelid lift Chicago doctor will access your condition before progressing with giving you an appointment for the surgery.

How does one prepare for eyelid surgery?

Prior to eyelid surgery the patient should have a detailed discussion about blepharoplasty and potential risks associated with the procedure. The patient should follow the doctor’s pre-operative instructions carefully and thoroughly review the post-operative instructions before the day of surgery. This will allow the patient to have any medications for pain relief or necessary items such a gel packs, artificial tears, and gauze at home prior to their return from surgery.

It may be required to have your medical doctor “clear” you for surgery if intravenous sedation or general anesthesia is used.

Eyelid lift steps

  1. Anesthesia – your eyelid lift Chicago doctor will give you general anesthesia or intravenous sedation to ensure that you are comfortable during the surgery.

  2. Incision – incisions will be made on the areas to be corrected. If you have droopy eyes, your cosmetic surgeon will make an incision within the crease of the upper eyelid. Excess fatty tissue will be removed, in the process, weak muscles will also be tightened and excess skin trimmed. In the case of puffed or saggy lower eyelids, an incision is made just below the lower eye lash line. An incision inside the lower eyelid known as transconjunctival incision can also be used to remove excess fat and skin on the lower eyelid.

  3. Incision closure – the incisions are then closed with skin adhesives, surgical tape, absorbable or removable sutures.

Eyelid surgery candidates

A blepharoplasty procedure is usually performed on adult men and women who have healthy facial tissue and muscles and have realistic goals for improvement of the upper and/or lower eyelids and surrounding area.

You should undergo blepharoplasty surgery for yourself, not to fulfill someone else’s desires or to try to fit any sort of ideal image.

Good candidates for cosmetic eyelid surgery are:

  • Healthy individuals who do not have a life-threatening illness or medical conditions that can impair healing

  • Non-smokers

  • Individuals with a positive outlook and specific goals in mind for blepharoplasty

  • Individuals without serious eye conditions

You must tell your doctor if you have any of these medical conditions:

  • Eye disease such as glaucoma, dry eye or a detached retina

  • Thyroid disorders such as Graves’ disease and under or overactive thyroid

  • Cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure or other circulatory disorders or diabetes

Eyelid lift recovery

After an eyelid surgery, your doctor will cover the incision wounds with loose gauze. You will also be given ointment to apply and be advised to use cold compresses to reduce swelling. Your eyelid lift Chicago doctor will also issue instructions on how to care for the operated site and enlighten you on signs to watch out for on the site. Just like many plastic surgeons, Dr. Bloch will recommend return visits to monitor your progress. You will visit your doctor after swelling and pain fades for stitches and bandage removal. Eyelid surgery gives you a youthful look but will be affected by aging. To prolong the good results of blepharoplasty surgery, wear sun shades when you are outside in the sun and quit smoking.

To book a Blepharoplasty consultation call Body by Bloch at 1-847-432-0840.

Eyelid Rejuvenation Surgery

1 comment:

  1. The above content you have provided is quite informative but there is a lot more that you can know about blepharoplasty eyelid surgery. This is done to lift upper eyelids with easy way.
